"MED-Star - Strategies and measures for fire risk mitigation in the Mediterranean area" is a strategic integrated thematic project that addresses the challenge of strengthening fire prediction, prevention and suppression capacities in the cooperation area, in order to protect and enhance the environmental, cultural and tourist resources of the Maritime Space.

The general objective of MED-Star is to contribute to the improvement of the capacity of the public institutions involved to prevent and manage, in a joint way, the increasing fire risk deriving from climate change, in areas with a high anthropic presence and of relevant naturalistic interest, also through appropriate adaptation actions.

In particular, the project intends:

- To develop innovative models of governance, with the implementation of shared prevention plans;

- To transfer innovative models and methodologies from the scientific world to public administrations;

- To create a joint monitoring and coordination system to fight wildfires;

- To develop communication, awareness raising and training actions aimed at the resident population, tourists and operators in the sector.

The general objective of the project is to contribute to improve the capacity of public institutions to manage fire risk, through appropriate measures of adaptation to climate change, in areas with an intense human presence and in areas of high natural values. For this objective, MED-Star is linked to four simple projects financed by the Italy-France Marittimo Programme which aims at implementing pilot actions for the forecasting and management of fire risk in forest areas (MED-Foreste) and in wildland-urrban and rural interface areas (Inter-MED), at testing interventions aimed at the protection raising of the population and awareness raising (MED-PSS), at the implementation of pilot interventions for the whole active fight, in particular in the cross-border context (MED-COOPFIRE).

Last modified: Friday, 11 December 2020, 8:58 AM