Section outline

  • The course was organised in the framework of the MED-Star project and is part of the joint training activities foreseen by the project. It took place in the first months of 2020 and was organised by the Liguria Region with the cooperation of ANCI Liguria, the Regional Directorate of Fire Brigades of Liguria and the Provincial Coordination of AIB and PC Volunteers.  The course was attended by 12 AIB volunteers team leaders (three for each provincial Coordination) and 15 firefighters selected by the Liguria Regional Directorate of the Fire Brigade. The aim of the course was to prepare an initial nucleus of specialists in the planning of the perimeter clearance of the area affected by the fire, an essential activity to be able to define with a certain degree of certainty the extinguishing of the fire, reducing the expenditure of resources of the regional forest fire-fighting system.