The event was organised by the DAGRI of the University of Florence on 7 and 8 February 2022 in Livorno, as part of the exchange of experiences between partners of the MED-Star project. 

The interventions in the recording alternate as follows:

Morning session: Greetings and opening of the session by Enrico Marchi, University of Florence and Sandro Pieroni - Tuscany Region / Paola Pasquinelli - Region of Tuscany: Room Analyst Course / Giacomo Pacini - Tuscany Region: Weather analysis and AIB bulletins / Gianluca Calvani - Tuscany Region: Analyst activities / Enrico Magnani - DREAM: Analysis experience on the Vicopisano fire. 

Afternoon session: Case study: Monti Pisani (Calci, Pisa) / Luca Tonarelli - DREAM: The Calci fire 2018, evolution and scenarios / Franco Cerchiarini - Tuscany Region: Post-fire protection and restoration activities / Francesco Drosera - Tuscany Region: The Monti Pisani specific prevention plan / Silvia Lorenzoni - Civil Protection Municipality of Calci: The risk of forest fires in interface areas - The Civil Protection Plan of the Municipality of Calci / Gianluca Calvani - Tuscany Region: The Firewise communities on Monte Pisano

Skill Level: Beginner

The webinars presented here summarise the state of the art of the operational framework for forest fire prevention and forecasting, at regional level, for the areas covered by the MED-Star project. The webinars are divided by Region (Sardinia Region, Tuscany Region, Liguria Region, Regiòn Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, Corse) and the interventions are carried out by the main representatives of the institutions involved. 

Skill Level: Beginner
The course, held in the first months of 2020, was organised by the Liguria Region with the collaboration of ANCI Liguria, the Regional Directorate of the Liguria Fire Brigade and the Provincial Coordination of AIB and PC Volunteers

Skill Level: Beginner